About Us
The SEG is a game-changing electrical generator designed to operate without fuel costs, pollution, noise, or machine wear and to operate 24/7, regardless of the weather conditions. It is scalable to power homes, any electrical transportation system, off-the-grid communities, and even industrial power plants as a World Class energy solution.
Initially incorporated as separate companies in 2010, SMI and SAC were merged and reincorporated in 2016 as SEG Magnetics, Inc.
Fernando Morris has been working closely with Professor John Searl since 2003. Most notably, he extensively researched and isolated the process of impressing waveforms with proprietary materials for the SEG technology.

For decades we felt Professor Searl’s invention was being overlooked by industry and the scientific community because there was little to no understanding of precisely what it was or how it operated without conventional fuels. But after many years of dedicated research by our technical investigators, a complete picture has emerged. We have a much better idea of all the inner workings and electromagnetic effects down to the quantum level of the electron.
Although we have made great strides in recent years, there is still much work in materials, magnetization, and optimization before we shift gears and move into a complete production phase. Nevertheless, we are closer than ever to fully realizing Professor Searl’s vision of a world filled with clean, abundant electrical energy for all.
We are grateful to everyone who has supported us over the years. We could not have made it this far without you.
Special thanks to Professor John Searl for his vision and Fernando D. Morris's extraordinary dedication over many years, making the SEG a reality for everyone. This organization would not be here without either of you.
Meet Our Team

Mr. Merzoug
Mr. Merzoug is a senior-level international executive with a unique blend of financial, operational, technical, and corporate strategy experience in the energy industry and construction. He has significant international business relationships and has a unique blend of management skills he has developed from his 35+ years in the project development and finance sectors. Mr. Merzoug was a Senior Executive Consultant to some of the largest technical and commercial due diligence providers for the investment banking industry and Multinational Engineering and Infrastructure, Procurement, Construction, and Management Companies.
He is Chairman and President International of SEGM.
Fernando D. Morris
Fernando D. Morris (Morris) was initially inspired by a small book titled Ether Technology in 1980 that contained a chapter about John R.R. Searl (Searl) and his revolutionary technology. This influenced Morris into the electrical field as a career and privately researched clean alternative technologies, particularly concerning the SEG as an ideal energy solution. In 1995, Morris began experimenting with the electrical aspects of the SEG concept for eight years with indirect contact with Searl through his associations. Out of Morris's spare time and out-of-pocket money, he developed a series of prototype magnetizers that eventually successfully proved unconventional magnetic waveforms on magnetic materials are possible; his first proof of concept regarding Searl’s claims.
In 2003, Searl experienced a breakup with a UK club group, which left him without any support. At that point, Morris made direct contact with Searl for the first time and assisted him in dire living conditions. Henceforth, they worked closely with the arduous process of building up the prospects of making the SEG a business venture.
In 2008, after five years of commitment towards clearing up the internet of misinformation about Searl’s past achievements, Morris resigned from his IBM career to fully commit to developing the SEG.
By 2010, Morris scaled up his efforts by setting up a private corporate research center based in California. He successfully developed a series of additional proof of concept demonstration units, further proving the merits of the technology. This represents over 30 years of due diligence by Morris's extensive study, research, and investigations into the inventor and the SEG concept. The results were well beyond a reasonable doubt, and it is the basis for the company's formation.

Daily communications between Searl and Morris, since 2003, over the internet, did play a role in extending Searl's life beyond 2008 on two or three occasions; due to many of his health issues and always needing monitoring. However, by 2014, against all odds and difficulties, Morris and Searl managed to team up in San Diego County, USA, with the common interest in ultimately getting the SEG into production.
In 2016, all good Searl companies were reincorporated into SEG Magnetics, Inc. (SEGM). Morris is the corporation's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Searl was the exclusive Lead Consultant to SEGM with a monthly salary and housing accommodations.
NOTE: SEGM is fully authorized to protect Searl's technology and its commercial interests to the fullest extent of the law against any opportunistic and unscrupulous group or individual who takes commercial advantage of his ideas and concepts without SEGM's approval. This includes patents based on John Searl's copyright material within the public domain, such as within his books, online internet information, and especially concerning NDAs. Therefore, such patent claims on publicly available data are illegitimate and can be revoked anytime by SEGM. Furthermore, SEGM will seek financial compensation from the offending party.

Jason Verbelli
Jason Verbelli is an independent investigator and researcher of unconventional technologies. Since 2006, he has dedicated himself to experimenting with electric and magnetic exotic phenomena.
Jason moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to San Diego in 2013 to fully commit to studying and be a full-time SEG Team employee. He also educates the public to bring these revolutionary concepts to the mainstream. His passion and enthusiasm pave the way for the next generation to better understand this emerging energy technology of the future.
Jason wears many hats daily, including Lab Technician, Media/Public Relations, and Operations Manager of SEG Magnetics, Inc.

Professor John Searl
Prof. John Roy Robert Searl is the inventor of the Searl Effect Generator concept, born May 2nd, 1932, in Berkshire, England.
Prof. Searl was the exclusive Lead Consultant to SEG Magnetics, Inc. (SEGM), working closely with the SEG Team in San Diego County and living near the company premises up until his death on December 4, 2018; due to pneumonia and other debilitating health issues at the age of 86.
SEGM is fully authorized and approved by the inventor to lead the development of the SEG with Fernando D. Morris – CEO, and his team, the most dedicated, knowledgeable, and capable of continuing his legacy towards commercialization of the SEG technology for a clean energy future.
Dear Fernando Morris and Jason Verbelli,
Condolences on the recent passing of Professor John Searl, a much-loved inventor and inspiring friend to many worldwide. May his dream of a healthier environment with clean electric power and a healing atmosphere be carried forward to a living reality by your dedicated, hard-working scientific endeavors to develop a brighter future through the SEG.